Writing Tips

  • Identify a need or gap in services. Conduct a needs assessment if necessary.
  • Work with the Director of Grants & Sponsored Programs to identify possible grant funding opportunities.
  • Assemble a project design team of people who are committed to the project.
  • Read the grant application documents carefully.
  • Contact the grant program officer if clarification is needed.
  • Create a timeline that allows for additional time in case of an emergency.
  • Develop a problem statement.
  • Ask for letters of support from project partners as early as possible.
  • Develop one or two goals for the project.
  • Develop both process and outcome objectives that are measurable for each goal.
  • Design activities to carry out each objective.
  • Design an evaluation plan that includes both qualitative and quantitative information.
  • Write the narrative using short, concise sentences. Provide necessary information without trying to impress the reviewer.
  • Use charts and graphs for impact as appropriate. They also help to break up the reading for the reviewer.
  • Develop the budget carefully. Make sure the budgeted items correlate to the goals, objectives, and activities.
  • Read through the application carefully. Check to be certain all the points are addressed in the proposal.
  • Have a couple of people outside the team read through the proposal. Then, ask them to describe the intent of the project.